Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Workshop 1: The Reflection


Workshop 1 was an experience. 

    We were first faced with a task, design a flow chart of traffic light system at a four way junction. This it seems is a lot harder then you would expect. Knowing full well how a junction like hat would work, I was very much able to explain it out loud to people who didn't understand it. But I was no where near able to explain it using a flow chart. That was a little more difficult.
Turns out I wasn't the only one, because everyone else seemed to be having trouble with it as well. Even the people that are able to drive and do it everyday, which I do not.

    The topic of the workshop turned out to be about game design, which is very exciting. That is something I will be including in future posts to come. 

I have very little previous experience with game design, from using scratch in secondary school to making simple 2D maze games with several different levels and goals.
The software that we will be using is unity, which (not gonna lie) I hadn't even heard of before the workshop.

    I do very much enjoy the concept of creating the game, everything from the coding to designing the game-play and world, as well as the characters and storyline.

    The delivery method of the workshop was done really well in my opinion. It was made very clear that it is completely up to us how well we do and how the game turns out. Swell as this, I really enjoyed the interactive side to the workshop, that being the traffic lights exercise. I found this kept my interest and made me listen to what was going on. It also meant you could understand how others worked and how they thought about different things.

    How do I feel about having to write about my experience? 

I was never good at writing as a kid. English writing was never my strong point even up through secondary school. As much as I could write factual essays, when it came to expressing my own thoughts, it wasn't  so great ( let's just say it was very much on the cringe side). But even. in these past few blog posts I've started to get more comfortable and confident in my writing.

    Signing off-AK


Lego Doge found on Peakpx

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