Thursday, September 26, 2019

Learning about the 'Growth Mindset' of Carol Dewck

    I had never heard anything about the growth mindset before. Not a single thing. But now that I have, I'm wondering why haven't I heard about this before? Why isn't this the standard practice in the way we teach our generations?

    Having never heard of this or Carol Dweck before, I wasn't really too sure what to expect when I heard the term 'growth mindset' and 'yet' teaching. I was a bit sceptical at first, I'm going to be honest, I thought that maybe this was going to be someone just trying to break the way society now a days works, but I tried to go in with an open mind. I like hearing how others learn and how we can better our ways of teaching, especially away from a standardised, set, exam system and to something that can be tailored to the student need, the person that theses 'systems' are supposed to be benefiting.

Carol Dweck explains about 'the power of yet' and how this rewards children for going through process, for trying and not getting things right away. Not for how high their test scores were or being failed because they weren't able to get the correct final answer.

    As someone who has struggled in our current academic exam systems, but understands process and can do really well in projects that grade on who we got to that point and not just the final answer, I find this concept amazing and extremely interesting. The power and confidence that this approach to teaching can give to not only teenagers in our society studying for their huge state exams at the end of their years, but also to younger kids who may struggle to get the best grades with just answers.

    When I think about where I might be on the fixed to growth mindset scale, I reckon I am near the middle of the spectrum but slightly more on the growth side. Although I always like to work and push for the A grade and just get things done, I much prefer when I can sit down several times an work on something, taking college for example, and have multiple uploads for assignments with constant feedback on what needs to be improved in my process, and why I'm not there 'yet'.
    I would love to learn so much more about this growth mindset and really put it into practice with all my current projects, be it college work, personal work, art work, my job and in my hobbies like ballet.

Signing off

quote 1 found on Twitter
quote 2 also found on twitter

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