Sometimes I like to think that my time management skills are pretty good, I have a start things early finish it early sort of mind set, and other times its completely out of whack and I will be well aware that I am leaving something to the very last minute. So I was pretty interested to find out about how to fix that sort if thing and make getting things done early, more consistent.
I've done some reading, in two articles. The first about Time management tips for creatives and the second about making study plans that actually work.
For years I've heard over and over about starting assignments when you get them and don't leave things until last minute, but nobody actually talks about the energy that goes into your work. Or the time of day that you work best. The article did both of these things, mentioning how some people work better in the morning and others work better in the evening. I know when it comes to school its a little harder to get up and do assignments in the morning because you are in class but when it comes to college there is more time for that.
The article also spoke about giving the right amount pf energy to the right projects. Instead of spending all your energy on the little things, you should get the more energy demanding things either done first, or spend less time on making the work 'extra good' when it doesn't need to be, and make sure that energy goes towards the right things.
The second article was about study and assignment planning. It was different from your usual, 'Spend this much this day and this much that day', lark because it talked about making it suit you and the way you study, be it 30 minute sessions every day or 2 hour sessions then another 3 on another day. which ever worked for you. It also talked about making the study plan a weekly ritual and going back to review it every week so that it fits your class and work schedule and stays realistic. Spending this hour or o every Sunday night can be almost calming and reassuring that everything will get done when it needs to be done.
I really do hope that I can put these tips into action this year with my own assignments.
I think my biggest challenge will be doing things in a process and over time, rather then doing everything the two days before hand and stressing out about them.
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